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What is SCIO?


SCIO stands for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System. It is the most advanced system of therapy in energetic medicine. It combines all known applications of Biofeedback and operates through a unique medical software, which is the largest in its field to date.


SCIO is safe, painless and non-invasive. It is a powerful bio-feedback device that stimulates the tremendous self-healing capacity of the body through stress detection and reduction.



What SCIO Can Do


The stress of living in today’s environmentally complicated world can lead to many pressures upon the body system. Stresses that impact the body include pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi etc), toxins, traumas, nutrient deficiencies, allergies, hereditary disorders, mental factors, radiation and perverse energies. These stresses often result in a lowered immune system, chronic pain, low performance, disease, depression, insomnia and emotional ups and downs. SCIO can help balance and correct the over-stressed body system through stress reduction.


SCIO is designed to correct the manifestation of stress and/or electro-stress patterns within the individual at a physiological level. Stress disrupts the inherent electromagnetic frequencies at which the body’s cells resonate and that by returning these frequencies to their natural state, the stress and any subsequent illness that occurred, are occurring or may be occurring because of this disruption may be reduced.


Life itself is about energy flow because everyone runs on electrical energy. We are all energy beings. Since the 1930s, scientists have discovered that all forms of life resonate or vibrate at particular frequencies. Everything - all our tissues, cells, organs, emotions and thought patterns have their own unique electro-magnetic fields, as do allergens, viruses, bacteria and fungi. 


Healthy tissue will respond in a predictable way, while unhealthy tissues will conduct pulses differently, producing different readings. Traumatized, inflamed or degenerative tissue all produce different readings compared to the client’s baseline norm. Thus in the cybernetic loop, the SCIO measures the body electric and produces feedback for wound healing, pain reduction, relaxation and stress reduction through electrical stimulation.


SCIO works in a naturopathic manner to stimulate and harness the powerful self-healing ability of the human system. All interactions take place within the body’s natural electrical parameters. The device focuses on stress reduction and can provide information on the possible origins of stress and disease throughout the body.




What is The Therapy Procedure?


SCIO is connected to you via a headband, wrist and ankle straps. These send and receive the electromagnetic signals to the body. SCIO is connected to a computer, which runs the software needed for effective applications.


SCIO has a database of test frequencies for over 10,000 substances, which makes this machine unlike any other. It scans the body (much like a virus-scan on a computer) against its vast library of over 10,000 test substances and then produces a list of items that are causing stress in the body. SCIO is able to scan your entire body at a speed of approximately 1/100th of a second for each substance. Therefore the testing procedure is completed in only approximately 3 minutes.

The information is gathered from the body through electrodes in the head and limb straps, which provide an accurate and precise picture of the client’s general status. This information is selected and listed by the SCIO in order of the highest reaction and the stressors are analysed in the course of a stress management session.

SCIO operates via a bio-feedback system which is highly sensitive and responds to your changing electrical requirements. During a session the device continuously sends and receives electrical messages from you. SCIO monitors, evaluates and changes the therapy accordingly. Therefore unlike other devices, SCIO can only give as much correction as your body dictates; this gives you a specific therapy, duration and intensity which is unique according to your own body’s demands. This makes SCIO extremely safe.



SCIO offers over 85 biofeedback therapies, all of which are safe and self monitoring.

Once your imbalances and stresses have been identified through testing, a unique programme is selected from among 85 different vibrational biofeedback therapies to help bring you balance and relief. These therapies are well known, safe, widely accepted, and used daily by thousands of clients/patients worldwide. SCIO scope of the therapies are among others: 


  • Electro-acupuncture

  • Meridien System Correction

  • Scalar Auto Program

  • Trivector Program

  • Muscular Re-education for Athletes

  • Muscular Re-education for Injured Muscles

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • EMG, EEG, ECG, GSR Biofeedback Chart

  • Hyper-reactant Reactivity Training


SCIO testing and therapies also do not interfere with medications from orthodox medicine

and can in fact compliment pharmaceuticals.



Is SCIO Safe for Children?


SCIO is also suited to children and babies, as they are often unable to verbally communicate how they are feeling.  SCIO can detect stresses within the systems and deliver applications, which have proven positive effects in reducing pain, healing traumas and reducing stress.




Official SCIO Disclaimer:



SCIO is to be used as a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose any issue other than stress. Stress can come from many sources; this system uses many multimedia therapies to reduce stress. This device also measures client’s electrophysiological reactivity which is another way to represent stress. Only a licensed healthcare practitioner can diagnose a client. The system is calibrated to measure the very fine and subtle electrical reactions to a group of biological and medical stressors. The sensitivity is set so fine so as to pick up the earliest sign of distress and issues related to distress. Therefore, the results might be below the client recognition. The readings should be evaluated by trained biofeedback technicians. Always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner. Always use additional tests or referrals. No claims other than stress detection and stress reduction may be made.




SCIO is safe for any age group
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